Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Learning to Shrug

Taking a peek in a favorite book, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sara Ban Breathnach, I was reminded how to complain.  Or rather, how to not complain.  Or something like that.  This book is full of great reminders, and this day my take-away was "Learning to shrug is the beginning of Wisdom."  Which got me thinking, of course.  But not just on how to live life more fully, but about SHRUGS!

I have to admit, I don't follow these day books like most ordinary folk out there.  I don't thumb through until I find "today's date."  I like to use my intuition and open the book at random and see what pops out at me.  And of course, my intution never fails me.

Wouldn't knittng a shrug be the perfect Spring project?  AND I just so happened to have the perfect yarn in my stash.  Now at this point I like to play my "Is the Universe Trying to Tell Me Something?" game.  Go ahead, roll your eyes, I know my family does.  But really, if I was meant to committ to this project I would have enough yardage of the yarn required, etc. . .

(fingers crossed, drumroll please)

Yup!  Guess I have a new knitting project.


homespun living said...

I love the shrugs you've pictured! Can I ask what pattern it is? {as if I need to start another project :)

Melissa said...

Of course Deb! Whisper Cardigan by Hannah Fetig. Here is a link to the pattern she posted on her blog She also has a pattern out on Ravelry and lots of members have posted great photos and their notes. Do keep me up to date on your progress, the yarn you choose, etc. . .I hope you see my reply. I'll leave one on your blog also. So many projects, so little time. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me :)

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