Saturday, January 15, 2011

Family Ties

I had a great day yesterday catching up with my Aunt Betsy, "A.B."  We intended to do some snowshoeing, but the weather had melted most of the snow.  Regardless, we hiked along, in and out of drifts, and although it was a bit soggy, it was wonderful!  She is such a great companion and inspiration.  She has always loved the outdoors, spending her summers at the family cabin hiking, biking, swimming, and fly fishing.

Getting together with family amazes me.  Just when I think I've heard it all, another story surfaces that I never knew.  It's a good reminder for me to take time to connect with my family.

Another interest we share, like some many, is food!  More specifically, homemade candy.  I guess its something that has been passed down through the family.  How lucky am I that she gifted me her homemade nut clusters?  Try as I might, I can't eat just one.  I am looking forward to getting together with her this Spring to make my grandmother's chocolate covered coconut eggs!

Two other items she shared were a sweater knit for her by my grandmother (which she naturally outgrew - yea!),

and a quilted hat sewn by my an aunt in Hawaii.
I guess she knows me and my appreciation for things done by hand.  Thank you A.B. for a great day!  And thank you Pepper for modeling!

1 comment:

Liz said...


Congrats on getting your blog off the ground! I love your header image and all the lovely photos you have in your posts!

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