Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Grass Recycled

"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" is a phrase often heard here in the Boulder Valley, and that's exactly what I did with the Easter Grass.

The ladies were wary at first (as hens will be)

but their curiosity took over at last.

Bon Appetit girls!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

These Ain't No Marshmallow Peeps!

Nothing says spring like barn yard animals on the kitchen counter.

What's that? You say you need a closer look at their cute fluff ball-ness? Here you go!

I just cannot be stopped, or helped for that matter. Try as I might, I am not able to resist those baby chicks.  I am venturing forward with the building up the flock s l o w l y.  Only two babies came home with me from the feed store (and sadly a day later one is acting suspiciously like a rooster - sigh).

I also hope it's not to late to wish you all a very Happy (albeit belated) Easter!  I enjoyed a beautiful Easter Mass with a friend before sharing brunch with my guys (my gal is in Costa Rica on an exchange program but is coming home tonight).

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