Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So Many May Babies

May is a dizzying month.  Recitals, finals, graduations, not to mention that every time I turn around there is life to be welcomed or celebrated once again (seems like most of my Facebook Friends and quite a few relatives have birthdays in May - including moi!).  The flowers, the birds, the foals, the calves, the babies are EVERYWHERE.  Our neighbor's family greeted their new son last week, at HOME, and I was pleased as punch to find him these darling little leaf booties over at Tiny Happy

My grandmother celebrated her 100th, yes 100th, can you believe?  She is a testament to sustaining herself with a positive mental attitude - "Mind over Matter Helen" - and enjoying the simple pleasures in life "I just love dandelions, they are so cheery."  Really, of all that blooms in Spring she favors the dandelion.  Simply pleasures indeed.

I'm wishing you all good health and vitality to be out there and enjoy all that Spring has to offer.
Baby Great Horned Owl

Monday, May 14, 2012

This Day

I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the mothers in your lives this past weekend.  I enjoyed my day by sharing a Sacred Yoga class with a friend, to return to a lovely brunch of mushroom flautas with date/mint/chili chutney created by Brad, Rachel and Max with Bhakti Chai to top it all off!  Lucky girl I am :)  Wanting to capture the feelings of the day, I happily outfitted a rock with color and life this morning.

And I had company.

Blessings on your Monday!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Today's Unfoldment

I'm so appreciating my garden and all the beauty it brings.  Visual feasts, and wise reminders.  Given time and light, unfoldment happens before our very eyes.  Can you feel it?  Indeed, "the heart sees deeper than the eye."  I cannot take credit for that quote, it was on my Yogi tea bag today.  Such a nice reminder.  

Blessings on your weekend, especially all you Mothers, mothering types, and wanna-be's.  The world needs you!

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