Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pieces of Me

Ok - I'll admit it.  Lately I'm all about the redemption song.  Bob Marley and I go way back.  There is something uniquely uplifting about letting something go, only to have something new and unexpected pop up in its place.  The key is in the letting go

I had this experience recently when I went rummaging about in my half forgotten projects stashed here and there in baskets and totes.  I had knit a lovely Intarsia socklet, just one mind you, before abandoning it for the next big thing to catch my eye.  Silly me.  I left this project open in a basket because the colors were just so lovely to gaze upon while muttering, "One day soon I'll finish you."  The yarn was equally lovely, so lovely that an uninvited guest happened upon it.  Ordinarily we don't have to worry about such matters in the dry Colorado climate.  Or so I thought.

To my initial dismay, I thought "Dang, there goes the second socklet.  Never to be completed.  Sigh."  Then, blam, it came upon me.  Why not use all these little bits and bobs to crochet a simple motif?  I've been staring longingly at this new book of mine just waiting for the perfect excuse, erm, opportunity, to have a crack at it.

There you have it.  But what to do with one simple motif?  Cover a rock of course.  Now let me just say, this idea is not mine alone.  My inspiration for it came directly from Maggie at Resurrection Fern (another redemption moment, yes?).  And no one does it quite like her. Honestly, go check out her blog.  You won't be disappointed.  But this simple rock is mine.

Redemption Stone

Or rather, never really was.  I'm just a part of the process.  This rock had a receiver in mind all along.  You see, dear friends of ours are moving to Texas, and I so wanted them to take a piece of me, us, with them.  I collected this particular rock on one of my Reservoir walks (puppy romp).  I'm sure I was ruminating on their move and how much I hoped they would one day return to us all here in Boulder Valley.

So you see, this particular rock is infused with Chief Niwot's curse, which means they will indeed have to return to us.  That and the fact that their Realtor, my husband Brad, advised that they not sell their home, but merely rent it ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Such a busy week.  So busy doing, not as much time to write.  We celebrated Brad's Birthday with a home-cooked family dinner Tuesday.  In keeping with tradition, I made lasagne.  Not just any lasagne.  This year I was compelled to make it a true labor of love, including picking and skinning graden tomatoes, all but make the noodles myself.  It was so delicious, but I was tired and cranky :(

Not sure if it was all the cooking or perhaps the prepping for and holding our knitting circle that made me so tired.  Of course it can't just be any ordinary knitting class, I must infuse it with mindfulness teachings.  Hence, I found myself a bit wiped out.  Perhaps I'll hit my teaching stride and be able to maintain my energy without falter.  Perhaps not.  Guess I'll flow with it!

The fall colors have been tremendous and I so want to share it with the family, and not just as I shuttle kids to and fro.  We're planning on getting out Sunday for just this purpose.  A lovely breakfast and hike through the surrounding hills.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend full of light, love, and simple pleasures.

by the river
i am reminded of how she does what she does 
so effortlessly
you do not have to do anything
but trust
that is it
and when you can not do that anymore
trust that! ~ KC

Thursday, October 6, 2011

14,001 Things To Be Grateful For

The other day I had the good fortune to be invited to pick raspberries with Max.  He was bringing in some washing from the line (yes he does help!) when he noticed the plethora of red, ripe goodness just begging to be harvested.  We had a very nice moment, he and I, just laughing our way around the patch and marveling at our good luck.

I want you all to know that I realize just how lucky I am.  I have a happy, healthy, and whole family.  We live in a beautiful corner of this world.  I am surrounded by people that love me, and that I fully love.  Clean air, a patch of earth that we can plant, dig, and scratch around in, and room to breathe.

So many are not as fortunate.  No homes, jobs, health care.  It can be overwhelming at times.  What can a body do?  My dear friend and coworker, Pam, has some thoughts on this.  Pop on over to her blog.  You won't regret it.  Shout out to you Pam - Woot!

In the meantime, I'm lucky enough to ask myself, "What to do with the bounty?"  Traditionally I make Raspberry Pie.  It's a favorite around here.  However, the new ice cream maker is still holding sway, so raspberry ice cream it is:

3 cups berries, pureed
2 cups heavy cream
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 + cup milk
1 cup sugar

Mix the sugar and milk until dissolved.  Pour into your maker with the rest of the ingredients and switch on.  25 minutes later, Heaven!

“Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.”

Monday, October 3, 2011

Taming Those Dragons

The legend of St. George and the Dragon is one of my favorites.  Every fall children attending Waldorf schools perform this tale as part of a Michaelmas pageant.  This year we returned to Shepherd Valley Waldorf school where both our children spent their childhood.  I felt very lucky that Max suggested we go and "visit with the folks."

That day was a journey in itself.  It's no small thing to revisit one's childhood, and I'm glad I got to share it with Max.  He has moved onto public Middle School and is handling all the challenges that entails beautifully, but we were grateful to be a part of this Harvest tradition.

The story is one of overcoming one's dragons: fears, anxiety, loneliness, etc. . . you get to name it for yourself.  But it is told in terms of a dragon terrorizing a village.  The villagers are "so weak, and so are you. What shall we do? What shall we do?"

It is with the help of St. Michael's light that swords are forged and the dragon is subdued.  "We will teach him to bake, to reap, and to sew." 

The festival culminates with the eating of the dragon bread.  A nice transformation wouldn't you say?

Brave and true will I be
Each good deed sets me free
Each kind word makes me strong;
I will fight for the right
I will conquer the wrong.

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